February already
Posted by Amanda Edwards on Sunday, February 5, 2012
Wow... time keeps on chugging along. Here in Maine, it's been a very mild winter. Even now, I can see grass outside when I look out the window. What a strange thing that is. Spring will be here before we know it... and I can't wait to open the windows, hear the birds, listen to the waves at night, and lay in the sand again. But, for now, I'm taking full advantage of the colder months, and working on a number of projects in the studio. First, there was a studio move back in the beginning of January. I'm now in a larger space, more light, more organized. It's been a lovely change!

The natural light shines on the walls of glass in the morning... it always gets me in there to work. :)

I've completed a set of stepping stones & a house number sign for a customer out in Washington state.

I've started designing a window to be installed in a health center in Boulder Colorado. Hopefully, over the next few weeks, I'll be finished with it.... pictures to come! I've also gotten in an order for two outdoor pieces, that I'll be starting in the next few days. By the beginning of March, I should have most of the details for a large mural project I'll be working on for a Children's Hospital here in New England.
In other news.... in August, I'm scheduled to have a solo show, organized by the Cape Elizabeth Arts Commission. - which means that I need to put aside a little bit of time to finish up some of my OWN mosaics. :)
Here in our house, we've started a new mosaic project as well. We're going to fill our kitchen wall with a shell mosaic. We're always bringing home shells, sea glass, cool rocks, etc that we find. It's nice to have a reason to fill our pockets now. The kids are having a great time with it. We have a lot more to go, but here's a glimpse of the progress.

So, as we welcome the 2nd half of winter, I just try to remain in the flow... and keep the creative juices flowing.
Happy February!