Posted by Amanda Edwards on Wednesday, September 5, 2012
I don't believe I've ever written about my children on here... but today I was asked by someone what inspires me. The first thing I thought of was, "my children". They remind me to enjoy life... to laugh A LOT, to jump over the waves, to roll down hills, to not take myself too seriously, and to give love freely & as much as possible. The lessons I've learned from them come through in every piece of art I make. My work has no big hidden meanings.... it's just simply color, joy, love, and moments of imaginative freedom. I am so blessed to live with two such amazing people.Thank you Julian and Priya for inspiring me every day. xoxo
Julian and Priya... Flower Day & Spreading some Love on PhotoPeach
I'm a stained glass & mixed media mosaic artist living on a beautiful beach in Southern Maine, with my husband & two children. Simply put, I love glass. I love the textures, variety of colors, shapes, sizes, reflections, even the sound it makes when I’m scoring and cutting it. Glass allows me to take a thousand little pieces of color and turn them into a flowing representation of my very active imagination.