Summer is in full swing here on the Maine Coast! Ocean breezes, beach days, long distance ocean swims, gardening, kids running around the yard, bonfires, and visiting friends and family. - AND the start of a 10' x 8' mosaic mural!

Right after my last summer mosaic class here at the studio ended, the folding tables came out of storage, and the design for the new mural got laid out. This mural is going to be installed in the entryway of a new High School being built in Sanford Maine. A long time friend/author/teacher/artist, Hilary Zayed, and I partnered up for this Percent for Art Project. I'm thrilled to be working on something with her again!

Work has started on some of the smaller elements of the mural. I'm having a lot of fun working on the wild life along the water's edge.

This wall is the future home of the mural.

Things are taking flight!