Well, Summer of 2015 is now over. How did that happen!? Although I made a true effort to enjoy & get the most out of every day, it still seemed to go by faster than ever. Days spent in the studio, in the garden, hanging out with two of the coolest kids ever (which happen to be my own), splashing in the waves, exploring the ever-changing cove we live on... summers in Maine are magical. But now, as Summer ends, I'm getting excited about what Autumn brings: sunny but cooler days that make you want to turn on the oven, the smell of candles, the changing colors of nature, snuggly days watching movies, and a seemingly endless amount of inspiration from the ever-changing environment of coastal Maine.
This summer I taught two great classes here in the studio... mosaic mirrors & a stained glass mosaic window class. Both were just fantastic! It's always wonderful to meet new people & see where everyone's creative juices will flow!
A student working hard on her awesome mirror... this was the first time she had done a piece on a wood substrate!
The past 3 months I've also been working on a 92 foot long mosaic
installation for Allagash Brewing.. and it's coming to an end! In the
next few weeks, I will be installing! The mosaic "time line" will be installed on the floor of Allagash's mezzanine, seen in the photo below.

This is just a small section of the mosaic... which is filled with all kinds of different elements used by Allagash... everything from ingredients, to beer bottles, to storage (barrels & tanks), and some other little surprises.